
Showing posts from December, 2020

A 58 yr old male with pedal oedema

This is the case i have seen  A 58 year old male daily wage labourer from vattikodu who is apparently asymptomatic 5 yrs back. Then he developed deafness secondary to (?Tympanic membrane perforation) and was fine with it until last year when he developed on & off episodes of giddiness & headache which was attributed to hypotension by a local RMP and was treated conservatively. (can it be ? Peripheral vertigo) 2 months back he had an episode of fever , generalized weakness & body pains for which he is using analgesics and has on and off pedal edema from then which subsided with treatment by a local RMP. 4 days back he developed pedal edema , burning micturition and SOB which gradually progressed to anasarca associated with abdominal distention ,  increased SOB and decreased urine output 1 day later for which he was taken to a local hospital where he was diagnosed with kidney failure and was referred to our hospital for further management. No h/o chestpain / palpitations / sy

A 45 year old male with complaints of left side loin pain radiating to groin since 8 days

This is the case i have seen   A 45 year old male farmer by occupation chronic alcoholic and smoker presented with c/o left side loin pain radiating to groin :since 8 days Fever for 1 day associated with chills : 1 week back Vomitings and loose stools for 2 days - 5 days back Decreased urine output :5 days Pedal edema :4 days Patient was apparently assymptomatic 8 days back and then he developed left loin pain radiating to groin which subsided with medication .Then he developed fever associated with chills. Vomitings :3-4 episodes and loose stools : 5-6 episodes for 2 days associated with pain abdomen subsided on medication .Decreased urine output :5days and pedal edema (non pitting , painful extending upto knees) for 4 days .No h/o chest pain/sob/palpitations. No other complaints. Not a k/c/o DM /HTN/asthma /epilepsy /CAD/TB General examination: Pedal edema + upto knees Multiple ecchymotic patches + over both lower limbs Subconjunctival hemorrhage present Dry gangrene of tip